
5 mins

Home Design Trends To Look For

The Great Pandemic has made us rethink our homes - spending more time at home definitely reveals what works and what doesn't. Here are some things to consider, from Great OutdoorsElaborate outdoor spaces for the kids are trending,...

3 mins

We are rooting for you, 2021

"An optomist stays up until midnightto see the new year in.  A pessamist stays up to make sure the old year leaves."- Bill VaughnI think we were all hoping that 2021 would be filled with great things. It has started a little rough, but there's...

2 mins

Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas!

The big day is almost here and we have a tiny chance of snow in the forecast!  Who is dreaming of a White Christmas?  This year celebrations may be smaller, you may see many family members only on Facetime or Zoom, but it is still a special time...

3 mins

New Year New Look

A lot will be going on at Enhance over the next couple of weeks.  While you are celebrating the holidays, Enhance Floors & More will be hard at work installing new floors in the Design Center.  It's time for an update -- so you can see the...

4 mins

New Looks for A New Year

2021 is fast approaching. Thank goodness, right? Let's leave the not-so-wonderful 2020 behind us and welcome the new year with a new look. Here's what's trending in flooring:CarpetThe best selling loop-cut-loops (LCLs) include solids, subtle...

5 mins

Is Thanksgiving Happening This Year?

We can all agree that 2020 has been a particularly challenging year. First wildfires, then coronavirus, now election drama - nothing has been easy. But we are still here, hanging in there in spite of it all. We think Thanksgiving is needed more...

4 mins

Halloween Ideas

It's Fall, Y'all!But it's different this year, isn't it? Trick or treating will involve social distancing, tables set up in driveways with small bags of candy for pickup, no big costume parties for adults. It may not be the same, but it will...

5 mins

Smart Ideas For Updating Your Home

Maybe you thought about buying a new house, looked around some, found nothing you liked, and decided to stay put. Now you are thinking about updating your home to make it just right. Here are some great ideas from, with the current...

7 mins

Got A House? Things You Need To Know

Remnant PiecesRemnants are small pieces leftover from jobs, not big enough to use for a large area, but big enough to hold on to. This week we have a lot of small topics to cover. Hope you enjoy these remnants!It's Crazy Out ThereThe real estate...

4 mins

What To Look For This Fall

It's been a really strange year, hasn't it? Everything keeps changing. Take out or dine in? School or no school? Get a test or self-quarantine? The only constants are the four basic rules:--wash your hands, a lot--social distance 6 feet--wear a...